I like this picture. It's really disorienting.
Okay, here's the deal. There are 48 school days left, and I want to celebrate! From now on after every school day I will post a picture and continue to count the days.
Furthermore, I want to write a story. This, however, is no ordinary story. It is no ordinary story because I don't have to write it. You do.
This is how it works. I prompt you with a very short introduction today, and you write a response. I pick my favorite, post another response tomorrow, then we continue like that.
The format is a little curious, but it's something I want to try. Each "scene" is a thought process that leads to speech, not actual speech. This means that the most educated character can have simplistic thought process or the most moronic character have a very complicated, wordy process. The line itself is up for interpretation.
Here's a sample.
Scene 8: The Grinch
Ah... oh dear. Cindy, please step away from the fireplace so that I may deposit this grenade into it.
Scene 9: Cindy
Santa Clause, I can't help but notice how your green fur grows in long, rope-like mats. It leads me to believe you are a fraud.
Scene 10: Professor
Get it? Good.
Alright. Here we go.
Introduction: The Benefactor
The decision is entirely up to you.