Everyone stared at the monstrous new billboard being erected. When it was finished, everyone stared as it slowly fell backwards and crushed the buildings behind it.
Somewhere, someone was laughing.
I hate this picture. Artistically, it's gross. But it's cool to look at.
New prompt:
Dear Abby, I have a problem.
I'm too tired to write my problem out right now; I can't do it justice.
You know I went on the Titanic and that I loved Jack Dawson, but I just met this guy who's last name is Calvert and he asked me out, and I remembered what Jack made me promise, so I said yes but i feel like I'm betraying Jack and I'm having all these mixed feelings and I don't know what to do.
I'm too tired to write my problem out right now; I can't do it justice.
i like the picture... maybe if the water spewing thingy had been higher up tho? he i'm prolly wrong
You know I went on the Titanic and that I loved Jack Dawson, but I just met this guy who's last name is Calvert and he asked me out, and I remembered what Jack made me promise, so I said yes but i feel like I'm betraying Jack and I'm having all these mixed feelings and I don't know what to do.
(I'm sorry, but I just had to)
I continue to write to you every day proclaiming my love to you, even though all I get back is an email that says "Tell her how you feel!"
A rather large emu has taken up residence in my hall closet and nothing I say or do will make it leave.
wait what is that? the metalish looking thing, not the water :)
The last appointment i attended with you, you said it is fine, but the growth is starting to talk.
Mr. Starner liked your poetry in lit mag the one about the kids mother that died
My entry:
Stalin just bought the apartment across the hall.
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