"What is this," the audience asks, "a Disney Channel Original Movie?"
Bu-dum Chhhh.
If man has accomplished nothing else, he invented film. I love movies.
Okay: Today's prompt.
"What's wrong with the second amendment?" I asked.
now featuring symbolism
ur good at pictures
"It lets me do this," the man replied, as he pulled out two automatic weapons.
"Because Seven Eight Nine. HA!...oh ...wait" I said as i realized i had completely messed up the joke.
I answered, as i pulled 2 guns from my bag, " It lets me shoot Sam in the head for not emailing me!!"
i like your pictures by the way Sam
"Nothing's wrong with it," he replied, "the problem's with the legion of laws that the politicians enact then don't bother to enforce."
Sorry if I start ranting. I'm kinda passionate about this subject. On a serious note, what the bonehead politicians don't realize is that gun control laws are not going to stop criminals because criminals violate the law to get what they want (if they didn't, they wouldn't be criminals), so why would they obey this one? Just look at Australia. Guns were a part of their culture until their government banned them after a couple of large shootings. Now, four years later, violent crime and homicides are up alomst 300%. Why? Because since they outlawed guns, the only ones with guns are the outlaws.
Oh, dear. I just had a joepoe moment, didn't I. So sorry.
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