In my head, I played the Jaws theme song.
Today's entries were a little better. One reminder, though. Entries are to be ONE SENTENCE!
Apparently, Ali didn't get the message.
Okay, the prompt:
The elevator doors made that ominous banging noise usually reserved for the entrance to a haunted house as the entire office went pitch black.
i don't do good with directions.
"As the doors closed behind me, I pulled out my Palm Pilot and wrote, "Note to self: tip sound effects dude."
That's a sentence, right?
It took me ten minutes to figure out how to spell pilot. Like, seriously.
I thought to myself, "wow for a haunted house, I think they could do better with the effects because, the elevator always makes that noise (It's one of many quirks in the Montgomery County Cultural Center)"
I left my girlfriend behind as I went to turn the power back on (the switch was conveniently on the other side of the room) but when I turned back to the elevator, I saw that same creepy little girl who's been following me around in the elevator as the doors slowly closed.
Hm, that sounds familiar...
"She's trapped in there with him," whispered Catherine, and suddenly, a shot rang out in the stillness of the dark room.
fun picture
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