Sunday, November 23, 2008


1. I am very attracted to the idea of tall buildings. I would like to construct tall buildings or picnic on top of tall buildings or perhaps jump off of a tall building but not in a way where I die just in a way where I feel what it is like to be falling through a city skyline. Are there flying classes? Can I afford to take them? Can I afford not to take them?

2. Nature and nurture are one and the same (you were wrong about that). After two million years we evolved like this, governments are the natural successor of everything that has happened and nurture is our nature. Love is a real emotion, and though perhaps it stems from something in biology it is ours now, it is not yours, you cannot have it back.

3. Consider skinny dipping in a warm lake. Also, play the marimba. Maybe at the same time? (check on this one)


Anonymous said...

I call Rule 34 on all 3.

Don't be creepy! said...

The picture reminds me of The Fall of the House of Usher. I hate that stupid's just got too many details. Sorry to all you Poe fans out there.

Ello Shertzer said...


marimbas are cool

Raptor said...

1. Have you ever considered trying an indoor skydiving simulator?

2. Respectfully, I disagree about nature and nurture being the same thing. Neither you genes (nature) nor your upbringing (nurture) completely define who you are: it is a combination of the two. Granted, some people are affected more by one than the other, but they are still both important factors in determining one's behavioral patterns. Unless you were talking about something completely different.

3. How would you play the marimba in a lake? Wouldn't it just sink?

Anonymous said...

i like number 3 :D


Anonymous said...

what about snapping turtles. i've even seen a snapping turtle in a pool.

Don't be creepy! said...

It could be a shallow lake and then the marimba could stand up! :)

Anonymous said...

I have never seen a snapping turtle in a warm lake. Skinny dipping is very safe.