Thursday, May 29, 2008

Get a Grip

So my friend and I were out shopping yesterday. He had always admired my messenger bag, and for his birthday I decided I would get him one. We went into this really cool store, and this really pretty girl about our age was helping us.

She had walked us to the back of the store where there were a variety of colorful bags. As she was talking to us about our various options, my friend took a bag off the shelf and leaned over towards me.

"Hey," he said, "I heard girls really like inquisitive guys. Maybe I'll ask her why this bag has such an unnecessarily large handle."

"Don't do it," I said, "it's a strap."


Frances said...

strap, trap, tarp.

oh boy.

how many of these will you come up with? haha :)

Frances said...

oh and you're right.
I forgot trapezoid.

Raptor said...

oh brother. This is gettin' old.

Anonymous said...

Hey, don't diss the strap. Or tarp. Whatever.

Anonymous said...

You should combine them all!

Anonymous said...

nice picture :-)

Molly said...

ha... ha... ha...