Any second now a twig might snap, or a dog might bark, or a hornet might come over and sting her, and that would be it.
She inhaled.
Any second now a wind might blow or the guards would notice her, and that would be it.
She exhaled.
Any second now it would be over and she would be dead and that would be it.
She breathed.
She waited.
Soon it would be dark, and she would move again.
Is this, a PRISON break?
me like it.
Love the picture, Sam. Who's hands are those? Just curious. :)
9 lines, and it's already got me hook, line, and sinker. You have got to keep going with this!
you are so weirddd. haha.
but this was really good :)
and those were your hands, right?
I really didn't recognize that those were MY hands! xP
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