Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Writer

I don't know what's up with the embedding; it's oddly shaped, but you can still see it. And I know the quality is bad, but whatever.


Anonymous said...

I have to say, that's just pure brilliance. Pure, utter brilliance.

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh.

Tim said...


Connor said...

holy crap that was amazing

Anonymous said...

Great job to all the popsicles... I mean actors.

(My writer had to come up with that one for me.)

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Quasimodo would be proud.

I need to get a new writer, maybe I should go to taxcut online.

Ali said...

omg...look at my face while i slap jeff...i'm smiling at him!!

Abby said...

aaaah, Sam, why are you so good at life?

snaps for the actors, too! A jolly good show.

Anonymous said...

hahahaha i like the part where jeff trys to make a basket! =)

Anonymous said...

Great movie, that was really well done!

Anonymous said...

i'm supposed to say something here about someone dating someone or something like that but i forget.

that is probably the most productive comment anyone has ever posted. and I'm going to put my name on it.
so there.

by the way--the movie is great. i totally agree with abby: snaps for everyone involved.

Raptor said...

I liked it. Very good. How'd you get sound even when they weren't facing/were far away from the camera, boom mike?

Raptor said...

PS. What's your Youtube profile name?

Ali said...

that mic thingy was SOOOO furry.

...forget i said that. i mean it. now. all of you.

Anonymous said...

Haha, nice Sam. Very nice. Sorry I couldn't help, but really, to you and your actors, job well done!

Ali said...

never? never what?

Becky said...

haha, good job.
that totally made my day.

i never knew you were such the movie-maker.

Ali said...

huh? huh? what? all i remember is "The clouds are puce" and "He's saying the words...and theyre in the air...."