Monday, July 28, 2008

Spotted on TF2

I'm famous!

**EDIT** This is a joke. I realize that this is not a reference to my blog, but rather a reference to my blog's namesake, the popular Douglas Adams novel.


Frances said...

weirdo. :)
slash you're still a dork. ♥

Anonymous said...

You shouldn't take advantage of people's ignorance, Sam...

NP said...

You shouldn't take advantage of of Douglas Adams' fame to boost your weak ego.

Anonymous said...

You shouldn't have 2 "of"s in a row.

Anonymous said...

*cough shameless promotion cough*
click my name... Every Once In A While
read some, and tell me what you think ._.

actually if you don't want to, don't i just feel like using Sam's almighty blog of popularity and such (wow, just what he needs, some more ego) to shamelessly promote my works...not all of which are good, and i know that, yeah and thanks

Anonymous said...

*cough shameless promotion cough*
click my name... Every Once In A While
read some, and tell me what you think ._.

actually if you don't want to, don't i just feel like using Sam's almighty blog of popularity and such (wow, just what he needs, some more ego) to shamelessly promote my works...not all of which are good, and i know that, yeah and thanks

Anonymous said...

okay, i don't know why it posted twice or with a three minute delay for that matter, but my internet freaked when i first posted my shameless promotion...and for some reason the name only works on the second post...don't ask my why because if i knew i would have said i did :D
so sorry for the repost, and now i guess the triple post