Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Closer Than They Appear

I've changed my blog URL. I figure this one will be easier to tell people if they want to see it.

Also click on this picture to see it big. It's better that way.


Carissa said...

what is the deal with the Talleyrand thing? i've never understood..

NP said...

Probably this url will be more confusing, but its sure funnier.

Anonymous said...

Whoo! talleyrand banana!

And yes, objects in the mirror are closer than they appear...

Raptor said...

LOLd when I checked your link (not going to ask where/how/what-you-were-doing-when you found it).

Funny part (aside from the fact that you found it) is that it's true; the Mosin-Nagant (and bolt-actions in general) really is the king of all guns. Been in use for 100+ years and shows no signs of dying out. I'd personally take a customized Remington 700 in .308 than the Mosin, though (what's good enough for the USMC is good enough for me!)

Ello Shertzer said...

Objects in mirror are closer than they appear. Aaaah! Wrath!

teehee I like the new url.

Anonymous said...

I like the new url.