when the sun is bright on the courtyard chairs,
when the wind blows soft through the springing grass
and the day in beauty does surpass,
when the first bell chimes and the freshmen stare,
and they trip in the hallway with a high-pitched squeal.
I know what the student feels.
I know why the student takes AP's
and he studies late into the night,
for he must pass tests and he can't get B's
when he fain would be feeling a cool, cool breeze.
So he's stuck in the honor student's plight
His own sense of self he can appease.
I know why he takes AP's.
I know why the student sighs, ah me.
When his back is sore and his fingers shake.
It is not a sigh just to breathe the air,
but a darker one of deep despair,
And he yearns for the day when his brain won't ache,
and to his studies he'll say his sweet goodbyes,
I know why the student sighs.
Hmmm...sounds familiar...
I took a 30-second break from AP studying to read that. Now I'm offtrack!
See, with AP theory...at this point, you either can do it or you can't. It's not so much the knowledge, it's how ridiculous you are at music. That basically amounts to: no late night studying for me. :P
That was me over the last and a half
College finals are a pain.
very cool
Man, that was fantastic, Sam. And now I'm thinking about Supernatural...
any way to print this picture nice and glossy to be pinned up on my dorm wall? if you find a way, I'd pay for it. <3
not to quantify and cheapen your art or anything.
beautiful as always.
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