Tuesday, September 04, 2007

"Lift Jesus Higher Ministries"

I didn't do this! I swear!

But seriously. There's a samaustin.org. He's an evangelist!


Carissa said...


Anonymous said...

Wow. That's just perfect.

Anonymous said...

The best ironies are stumbled upon.

Anonymous said...

hahaha that's odd

Anonymous said...

hahahaha wow that's funny.

Raptor said...

that's wacked. But then again, according to google, I'm a 55-year old lawyer who lives in Florida with six kids, a powerboat, and a Jaguar.

Now, before anyone says anything, I only want two or three kids, not a big fan of the water, and I'd never buy a Jag (NOTE: this opinion may change now that Ford no longer owns Jaguar.) I'd prefer a Porsche.