Monday, April 02, 2007

"F 8.0"

Ridiculously high aperture for this shot. I still can't believe how much is in focus.

Anyway, here's the deal:

My new movie, "Kommunication", will deal with a misconception adults have about how teens communicate. See, adults confuse efficient conversation with poor conversation.

Adults think kids communicate poorly with one another, as well as with them. Adults feel kids spend too little time talking to them, preferring instead to grunt out incomprehensible mumbles.

Kids realize nothing is gained from talking to adults, and if something is to be gained, then kids spend time talking to the adult (i.e. a teacher).

When talking to a person their own age, kids know that plenty can be gained. They also know, unconsciously, that the other kid feels the same way.

Kids talk very efficiently. While if an adult asked to borrow a pencil, the other adult might tell a witty anecdote about how they once got stuck in a pen convention with only a single pencil, a kid would simply give the other kid the pencil.

I'm tired and this sounds stupid. I'm going to make it into a movie and you'll get it then.



Carissa said...

i like this pic and the chain link one and i like the idea for a movie it sounds fun

Anonymous said...

I talk to adults...

Anonymous said...

...very nice picture.

Anonymous said...

okay... go to sleep.

Anonymous said...

who's in the picture??
i like talking to adults. i don't know why. hey, i like talking w/ teens too, but nothing is wrong w/ talking to adults. unless i'm mad, b/c they always win b/c i suck at arguing.
anyway, bye.

Anonymous said...

that's me! i'm number 16. and i'm playing frisbee!

Anonymous said...

hahaha the grass is bigger than the people!!!!

Molly said...

What is wrong with witty anecdotes?