Saturday, February 10, 2007

"Ante Up"

I'm not a huge fan of the picture, but I like the shadows.

Anyway, check The Christmas Heist. I think it's my favorite of the things I've written. Hopefully I can make it a full-length movie instead of my other shorter screenplays.


Molly said...

nice idea.

Is that the "movie" you've been talking about at school.

Anonymous said...

woah! that was really good. and cool.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me a bit of Ocean's Eleven.

But not really.

Ali said...

i'm confuse-ed. was any of that actually happening?

Ali said...

omg you guys....

voah is gone....

Unknown said...

asfdlkjas me like.

Anonymous said...

is that a wooden stapler? (the picture)

Anonymous said...

those are my hands dealing cards-- i know i know--such skill. i'll sign it for you if you want...

Raptor said...



Yeah, what's up with the VOA? His blog is not longer existing. I think he died... or something... maybe...

Raptor said...

Yep, I'm double-commenting. Sorry.

Just read Christmas Hiest. Wow, that's I can say right now. And I thought Codename: White Knight would make a good movie. Forget what I said about nerdjedi; you're going to be the next steven spielberg.

Maybe you, spartan, and nerdjedi should start a production company. I know, you already have one, but think about it: they've already got a bunch of quick flicks under their belts, so they've got technical experience. You've got at least two completed scripts and another one in progress. Maybe you three could collaborate on one of them. I'd pay money to see that movie.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA sorry about the stapler thing...i see the hands now! =)

Anonymous said...

When did the vanquisher disappear?

Abby said...

I remember playing texas hold 'em at your house one time. That was fun, even if I was wupped into oblvian.

Hey, maybe you could try to actually film this (TCH, I mean)! That'd be crazy cool. Let me know if you do, 'cause I wanna try out!!!