Friday, December 15, 2006

"Dial Tone"

My blog was one year old on Wednesday.


"The Christmas Light Fiasco" now contains a dig at pro-lifers in scene five and six.

Since most of you are probably not going to go there and read it...

5 -- Fairview -- Ext. Van -- 5

Low shot of the back of the van: the only thing seen is the van's tires and the bumper. A bumper-sticker reads "Life: It's a gift, not a choice" in a clearly pro-life demonstration. A mother is on it, holding a baby.

The driver's-side door opens, and MOBSTER 3 steps out, his feet the only part of him seen. The back door opens up and MOBSTER 1's feet steps out. MOBSTER 3's feet walk over to help him.

PAUL's feet come out, bound with duct tape and tied to the metal ball, he struggles. He is dragged to the left and off screen by MOBSTER 1 and MOBSTER 3.

6 -- Fairview -- Bridge -- 6
High above the bridge, a 90-degree look down at a bird's eye view of MOBSTER 1 and MOBSTER 3 dropping PAUL into the river. He splashes down into the river, MOBSTER 1 and MOBSTER 3 rush back into the van and drive off.

I like that, though it may be too contraversial.


Anonymous said...

cool picture. wasn't really paying much attention to the story thing. Gilmore Girls is on.

Anonymous said...

i don't get it.

Anonymous said...

Nice picture. Funny thingy.

Anonymous said...

but i know we disagree on that.
and i'll read the thing when it's finished so i don't have to like remember what happened before.

Anonymous said...

controversial sells, man.
i hope you liked your donuts :)
but guess what sam!
i got into college!

Anonymous said...

interesting story, i must say!

Anonymous said...

Glad to see Susan got into college. Never doubted she would! Especially since she can spell Controversial correctly unlike some people SAM!

Susan PLEASE tell what college?

Anonymous said...

I read it. I don't think it's controversial (maybe because I'm pro-life), but whatever.

I may disagree with you're views, but I'll fight to the death to preserve your right to express them.

That's actually a variation of a famous quote, but I can't remember for the life of me who said it.

Also, I think I can guess what's going to happen next...

Anonymous said...

SUSAN GOT INTO HARVARD!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!

and andrew, that's voltaire, i believe. although he in turn paraphrased from someone else. maybe. or not. i forget.

Anonymous said...

=P Happy birthday to Sam's blog!

Anonymous said...

Controversy keeps the world healthy. It's a good thing.

You're picture reminds me of a sculpture my friend made once for art class. We had to make 3D rooms, like a model of two of the walls and the floor. My friend made a model of a messy office, with piles of note paper and spilt coffee and a phone hanging off it's hook. I thought it was really clever.

Anonymous said...

Nice shot of the phone.

Anonymous said...

and i quote: "it's not like i'm going up to pregnant ladies and sticking a knife in their stomachs."
still laughing at that. must..keep..straight face.. when

Anonymous said...


WOAH. it looks like one of those spies that hang upside down. NO A MONKEY! it looks like a monkey. (because of the cord/tail)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY/anniversary! if it had a birthday it would have had to have a mother and a father...

Anonymous said...

Evelyn Beatrice Hall- "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

The quote is often misattributed to Voltaire.