Saturday, November 11, 2006

"Nice Day"

Chapter Nine.


Anonymous said...

why must everybody be a crazed killer????

Anonymous said...

and awww MORE GUNS???
i think there aer too many guns in the story.

Anonymous said...

NO THERE ARE NOT (pulls out gun)
ha ha jk.

Anonymous said...


Six months later I heard that Karp had died.
And I dug right down to the bottom of my soul...
And cried.
'Cause I felt... nothing.

(the end of the song "nothing" from A Chorus Line. They way he acted when he found out his foster mom died reminded me of that song.)

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with Ali and Carissa -- MUST everybody be a crazed killer??? and MORE GUNS?

Sam -- you need some character development which means the characters have to live long enough to develop character ---

On the other hand, I guess I should defend your right to write a book like this but I am not sure I can read the next chapter.

Anonymous said...

if everyone kills everyone there wont be anyone left! (i didnt read it yet though)

Anonymous said...

um yeahh there's too much blood/guns/killing sam. they should all go to the mall one day and enjoy a nice, death-free chapter.

Anonymous said...

omg, it could be chapter 9 1/2 or 9 1/4 or maybe even a pathetic 9 1/1123548985434987845543575047513208

Anonymous said...

define "molested with a mallet" ...
alex told me some pretty weird things last night. i asked him if he liked any girls. he said he liked clowns.
get a facebook.
how's marie?

Anonymous said...

So, they just followed this guy in a car accident back to the hospital?

Anonymous said...

me and my brother have renamed your blog story as "sam's happy fun blog story of love".

Emma has renamed it "the weird freaky story that everybody is afraid of and that makes everybody think that you're even more weird then you already are, which is hard to do because you're probably in the max leval of weirdness (not counting herself of course)." Then will said, "Couldnt you just say 'YOUR MOM' and be done with it?"

So there are two younger people's perspectives. But they're shorter than me, so it doesnt count

Raptor said...

I was right. Amnesia. And I'm with (practically) everyone else; LAY OFF THE DEPRESSION AND THE KILLING FOR A FEW CHAPTERS!

Sorry it took so long to comment; my Internet's been down since yesterday afternoon. Stupid router.

Anonymous said...

i agree with susan.
i also agree with hong!

Anonymous said...

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

I hereby challenge Sam to write one chapter of Anonymous in which there are no deaths, guns, or any other acts of violence. Furthermore, I challenge Sam to write one chapter which is not depressing, in which the Vanquisher might have something close to a happy life.

The challenge hath been issued! The gauntlet hat been thrown down!
May the best man win!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous is Jeff S/Andrew. Most likely Andrew

Anonymous said...

Not me. I'm the only guy who's fine with the depressed stories, as long as they're written well.

Anonymous said...

you could totally send this story to the gov't and repeal the second amendment